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What is Phragmites
Native / Invas
Food Chains and Food Webs
Types of Marsh
Scavenger hunt

Science Lesson Plans

What is Phragmites?

bulletIntroduction to Phragmites
bulletDevelopment of a bio-poem describing some of the characteristics of this species

Distinguishing Native From Invasive Phragmites strains

bulletIncludes examination of species concept, and the concept of strain (haplotype)
bulletComparison of differences between native and invasive strains of Phragmites

Food Chain and Food Webs and the impacts of invasive species upon them

bulletReview difference between a food chain and a food web
bulletReview trophic roles within an ecosystem
bulletLearn about the different components of a native fresh water marsh
bulletModel the connections between organisms within this system
bulletDiscuss the changes resulting from invasion by Phragmites  in this ecosystem

Marsh ecosystems

bulletDifferences between fresh, brackish / saltwater marshes
bulletTypes of animals found in each
bulletEffects of invasive Phragmites  on the plant and animal diversity of these ecosystems


bulletCarry out a "lab" type active learning assignment to investigate transpiration
bulletReview concepts such as "control" and "replicate" in the context of their investigation
bulletPractice data collection, organization and interpretation

Impact of Invasive Phragmites on Wetland Hydrology

bullet Investigate the "Mystery of the Disappearing Lake"
bulletLink what students have learned about transpiration and the unusual features of invasive Phragmites  with the changes its invasion causes in the hydrology of invaded wetlands

Invasive Species WebQuest

bulletLearn about some different invasive species and their effects using a webquest activity
bulletLearn about ways to control invasive species and to prevent future invasions

Invasive Species Scavenger Hunt

bulletRaise awareness among your students about how many things they see every day are not native to this area
bulletBuild students' observational skills regarding plants and animals in their every day environments
bulletLearn about ways to control invasive species and to prevent future invasions


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Last updated July 2009.

 Although the information in this document has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement NE97262206  to Georgian Court   University, it has not gone through the Agency's publications review process and, therefore, may not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.